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The Relational Discipleship Network (RDN) is made up of like-minded disciple making churches that relationally support each other through coaching, training and equipping.


Join Ptr. Henry Pagauitan as he discuss the Relational Discipleship Training Manual

Network Member Church

A Network Member Church is a church that meets monthly as a part of a cohort that aims to implement relational discipleship. They will also have access to collaborate with their micro-network on walking out relational discipleship.

Mentor Coaching Church (MCC):

A Mentor Coaching Church is a Church that has agreed to the vision and mission of the RDN, has completed DiscipleShift 1 and has been selected to lead a Micro-Network of churches:


A group of 6-8 like-minded churches that meet monthly to discuss how to implement relational disciple making in their churches. All micro-network meetings are lead by a Mentor Coaching Church.

Mentor Coach:

A Mentor Coach is a person and/or persons from the MCC who represent the micro-network coach. A Mentor Coaching Church may have more than one designated coach for their micro network.

1. Philosophical Alignment – Combination of Vision, Mission and Process


Jesus entered into relationships where he intentionally guided people so they become his disciples. Jesus invited people into relationships with himself, he loved them, and, in the process, showed them how to follow God. His primary method was life-on-life.


We believe in the formula explained below. It is a short, succinct way to describe Jesus’ method. In order for a church to become a part of a disciple making movement we must have all parts of this process working together to make disciples of Jesus who can make disciples of Jesus.


1a: Biblical Foundation for Relationship

We believe we are designed to be in relationship with God first and foremost, and secondly we are designed to be in relationship with others. The purpose of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus who can make disciples of Jesus. We do this with the understanding that relationship is the key vehicle.


1b: Intentional Leader 

This leader understands that part of their role is to reach the lost,  make disciples of Jesus, and create Christ centered environments where discipleship can happen. They understand where a person is spiritually, and what is needed to help them grow.


1c: Relational Environment 

An environment that has an intentional leader and a biblical foundation. It is where people can connect, share real life, and get help in following Jesus together.  The focus is typically on the small group which consists of 3–18 people.


1d: Reproducible Disciple Making Process

There is an understandable reproducible disciple making process. All the components listed above are needed for the RDP.  The leader (discipler) has a clear understanding of the disciple making process (His part). Also the leader understands where the person (disciple) is spiritually, and helps provide what is needed from a human perspective for them to grow spiritually through the stages of discipleship (their part) and understand only GOD can do his part.


2. Relational Alignment

As our name indicates, relationships are a high priority in the Relational Discipleship Network. We ask everyone who is involved in our network to focus on the Great Commandment – to love God with all of one’s heart, mind, soul, and strength – and the second greatest commandment – to love our neighbor as ourselves. Each leader in the network agrees to do everything in their power to work out any personal conflict/tensions with one another—Illustrating Relationship with God and others is of the utmost importance. Being in consistent genuine relationships where authenticity and transparency are the norm not the exception.


3. Organizational Alignment

We will focus all of our time, money and energy (effort) to accomplish our VISION and MISSION. We will work through the local Church in two ways.

1. Training the local Church to make disciples of Jesus

2. Helping the local Church to plant disciple making churches of Jesus.

Learn more about the Relational Discipleship Network by messaging us using the chat button on your lower left screen

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